Personal Trainer Itasca
At Push Fitness, we offer both muscle toning and weight loss programs designed specifically for you and your needs. We offer 3 month, 6 month and 9 month personal training programs to help you achieve your fitness goals and desires. Our fun and exciting workout programs can be scheduled from 2 to 3 times per week.
Our personal training programs also consist of nutritional counseling that educate you on the proper types of foods to eat, but also inform you of the foods to stay away from to help you achieve maximum results. Our nutritional counseling includes weekly weigh-ins, monthly assessments, a personalized nutritional booklet and food journal to help make sure you achieve your fitness goals and look your best!
Personal Training Programs Itasca, Illinois
Push Fitness is conveniently located near Itasca and all of our full time Personal Trainers are devoted to helping you reach your fitness goals. Our training sessions last 45 minutes for an efficient yet challenging workout that will push you within your limits to get the results you’re looking for. Call us now to schedule a free consultation and get a complimentary workout.